XING Xiaoyu
Foreign Languages College, Inner Mongolia University
XING Xiaoyu is a professor of linguistics and a MA supervisor in linguistics, translation and interpreting, at Foreign Languages College, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, China, where he currently lectures on Cognitive Linguistics, Academic English Reading and Writing, etc. He practices the principle of Holistic Education in his teaching and course assessment.
Professor XING Xiaoyu earned his PhD degree in English linguistics at Southwest University, Chongqing, China. He worked as a visiting scholar at Beijing Foreign Studies University between 2009 and 2010, honored as Excellent Visiting Scholar that year.
Professor XING Xiaoyu is Standing Director of China Pragmatics Association, Director of China Cognitive Translation Association, and Standing Director of Foreign Language Education Association for China’s western Areas. His research interests include Cognitive linguistics, Cognitive Poetics, Pragmatics, translation studies, and English teaching, especially contrastive studies between English and Chinese (including dialects), and Chinese typological studies.
Sept. 2012-Jun. 2015 PhD in English Language and Literature, Southwest University, China
Sept. 2009-Jul. 2010 Visiting Scholar in linguistics, Beijing Foreign Studies University, China
Sept. 2004-Jul. 2007 MA in Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Inner Mongolia University, China
Sept. 1995-Jul. 1999 BA in English, Inner Mongolia University, China
2015- Standing Director, China Pragmatics Association
2017- Director, China Cognitive Translation Association
2017- Standing Director of Foreign Language Education Association for China’s western Areas
2018, “A Cognitive Grounding Approach to the Modifier Functions and Order Shifting of Chinese Nouns”, Inner Mongolia University Research Fund for Advanced Talents.
2017, “A Typological Study of the Function-order Interactions of the Modifiers of English and Chinese Nouns”, China National Social Science Research Fund.
2017, “The Integration Paths of Holistic Education Principle in College English Curriculum System”, Inner Mongolia Social Science Research Fund.
A study of the modifier functions of English and Chinese nouns: A typological reflection. Foreign Languages and Literature, 2022 (2): 1-10.
Studies on the shifting of Chinese numeral-classifier phrases: Retrospect and prospect. Studies in Language, Translation & Cognition, 2021 (2): 45-53.
A cognitive construal of English news headlines: Prominence dimension. Theory and Practice of Language Studies, 2018 (8): 1080-1086.
Linguistic knowledge in relation to foreign language teaching. PNAIS on Language, Literature and Translation, 2016 (5): 621-624.
The “noun+ numeral+ classifier” structure in modern Chinese: Morphosyntactic representation and cognitive motivation. Journal of Xi’ an International Studies University, 2015 (3): 13-16.
Cognitive grounding and its adaptability to Chinese noun studies. Theory and Practice of Language Studies, 2015 (2): 336-342.
Reflections on the “restrictive vs. descriptive / non-restrictive” models: A new approach to the modifiers of Chinese nouns. Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, 2014 (4): 21-25, 37.
The complementarity of Systemic Functional Grammar and Constructional Grammar. Canadian Social Science, 2013 (5): 162-168.
The Cognitive motivation of bu zheteng’s English translation. Journal of Inner Mongolia University, 2010 (1): 124-128.
Food and marriage. In Shen Li (ed.). British and American Culture Reader (PP. 66-69). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2010.
The constraints of cognitive context on cognitive construction over metaphors. Journal of Inner Mongolia University, 2009 (1): 104-108.
The ICM of bu zheteng and its English translations. Foreign Language Education, 2009 (special issue): 303-305.
Analysis of the conversations in A Streetcar Named Desire from a Fuzzy Linguistic perspective. Journal of Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities, 2008 (4): 39-42.
The desire for ‘no desire’: A new interpretation of the theme metaphor of A Streetcar Named Desire. Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, 2007 (2): 303-304, 307.
Sentence quality in English writing of non-English major freshmen: A survey. Journal of Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities, 2006 (6): 86-88.
The Key Concepts of Cognitive Linguistics (participate). Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2024.
The Path to New Urbanization. (trans.). Beijing: Beijing Times Chinese Press, 2018.
New world interactive English audio-visual & speaking (Book 4). Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2017.
Advanced English (Book 4). Beijing: Renmin University of China Press, 2016.
The Ancient Regime and the French evolution. (trans.). Beijing: National School of Administration Press, 2013.
Professor XING Xiaoyu was honored as Outstanding Individual for his all-round-oriented education contributions, Excellent MA Graduate by Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Excellent PhD Graduate by Southwest University. He received Excellent Supervisor Awards for his work in students’ writing and interpreting competitions, and awards for his outstanding teaching achievements.
邢晓宇,英语语言文学博士,教授,外国语言文学硕士研究生指导教师,创新创业训练计划项目优秀指导教师。国家社科基金项目评审专家,教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心学位论文评阅专家。中国逻辑学会语用学专业委员会常务理事,中国英汉语比较研究会认知翻译学专业委员会理事,西部地区外语教育研究会常务理事。内蒙古大学“外国语言学及应用语言学”学科方向专业学位课“认知语言学”主讲教师。内蒙古大学本科主干课程建设项目“大学外语课程建设”主持人,内蒙古大学高水平教学创新团队“英语专业语言学 类课程教学创新团队”成员。主持完成国家社科基金项目1项,内蒙古大学高层次人才引进项目1项,主持或主研教育部人文社科规划项目、自治区和校级项目十余项。在教学中秉持“教外语、育全人”思想,结合客观主义哲学评价理念和第二代认知科学思想,践行全人教育理念,主持完成“大学英语课程体系中全人教育理念植入路径研究”项目,主研“大学英语课程思政”示范课改革试点项目,被评为内蒙古大学“三全育人”先进个人称号。在Theory and Practice of Language Studies、Canadian Social Science、PNAIS on Language, Literature and Translation、《外语与外语教学》《外语教学》《西安外国语大学学报》《外国语文》《语言、翻译与认知》《内蒙古大学学报》(CSSCI)等刊物上发表论文20余篇,主编和副主编教材2部,分别由中国人民大学出版社和清华大学出版社出版,发表译文1篇,收录在外语教学与研究出版社《英美文化读本》(2010),在商务印书馆出版编著《认知语言学关键概念》(参编),分别在国家行政学院出版社、北京时代华文书局、哈尔滨工业大学出版社和内蒙古人民出版社出版译著和编著,如《旧制度与大革命》(独著)、《新型城镇化道路》(合著,待出)和《西部大开发·内蒙古投资指南》(译审)》等。论文“限制”与“描写/非限制”之争的破与立(《外语与外语教学》2014年第4期)被人大复印报刊资料《语言文字学》2014年第11期全文转载。主要研究兴趣:认知语言学、认知诗学、认知翻译学(包括中国语言文化英译研究)、语用学、英语教学与教材建设。
[1] 学硕:认知语言学、语用学本土化理论建设;认知语言学、语用学视角下语言本体研究,特别是语言类型学研究;认知语言学与课程和教材界面研究;认知翻译研究;认知诗学研究。
[2] 翻硕:【英语笔译】:中国语言文化英译:学术文本英汉翻译;文学、传记、旅游等文本英汉翻译;【英语口译】:认知语言学、语用学理论应用研究;口译实践报告、口译实验报告等。
1995-1999年就读于内蒙古大学英语专业,获学士学位;1999年7月至今在内蒙古大学任教;2004年评为讲师;2004-2007年就读于内蒙古大学外国语言学及应用语言学专业,获硕士学位;2009-2010年赴北京外国语大学访学,师从蓝纯教授研修认知语言学与语用学等,被评为年度优秀访问学者;2010年晋升副教授,2011年评为硕士研究生指导教师;2012-2015年在西南大学英语语言文学专业攻读博士学位,研究方向为认知语言学,师从著名学者、国际学术期刊Cognitive Linguistic Studies及 Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education主编、中国英汉语比较研究会认知翻译学专业委员会会长、中国英汉语比较研究会认知语言学专业委员会副会长、中国逻辑学会语用学专业委员会副会长、西部地区外语教育研究会会长、重庆市外文学会会长文旭教授;2018年晋升教授。曾受学校委派,参加谈判、合同签署、电话会议、媒体采访等口译工作。